

RPM Left Front/Right Rear A-Arm Set (Black)

  • Sale
  • Regular price $14.49
  • SKU #: RPM82012

This is an optional RPM Left Front/Right Rear A-Arm Set, and is intended for use with the HPI Savage, Savage-X, Savage-XL & Savage Flux trucks. One of the main problems RPM found with stock suspension arms on these trucks is they have excess clearance built into them, making critical settings such as camber, caster & toe angles nearly impossible to lock down. These a-arms have been engineered to strict tolerances and in some areas, RPM has eliminated as much as 0.051” (or in excess of 3/64”) of slop in the suspension system and completely eliminated the need for shim kits! These tighter-tolerance A-arms allow critical suspension settings to remain long after they’ve been set. Furthermore, RPM A-arms are still silky smooth throughout the entire range of suspension travel.

This package includes one lower arm that can be used in the left front or right rear position and two upper A-arms. Two upper A-arms provide the end-user the option of a stock, zero-degree camber angle in a fixed length A-arm, or a negative two-degree camber angle A-arm. Using fixed length upper A-arms instead of adjustable camber A-arms keeps the weight of the upper A-arms to a minimum while providing the maximum amount of durability you’ve come to expect from RPM parts!

For all those racers looking to shed some weight, RPM has you covered! These A-arms weigh in less than stock Savage A-arms due to the low profile designs. The low profile combined with the beveled leading and trailing edges of the A-arms prevents them from hanging as low as the stock versions and allows the A-arms to ride up and over obstacles instead of slamming into them.